iStripper Impression

300x200x160 cm pallet:


Unpacking the crate:


From the top:


Assembly – two columns:


Impressions – stirrer engine, overhead ladder, column with cleaning sections:



Impressions – ladder system, product cooler, columns, stirring device and boiler:


Impressions – a photograph from the back:


Impressions – uploading the computer program:


Impressions – no fear of heights aka three brothers on the first floor:



10 thoughts on “iStripper Impression

  1. Very very impressive! Truly a thing of beauty… just like everything else in your product line. I love the central mixer with dual columns on each side. Bravo, my friend!!!

    • Thanks, Randy. Yes, I think we managed to think out of the box once more. The twin tower concept makes it possible to install a horizontally working stirrer, closer to the bottom. That means we could make it bigger and revolve at lower speeds, getting minimum heat build-up near that bottom. Like 200% gain in fluid dynamics as compared to a smaller diagonally placed, faster spinning stirring device. And did you see we mounted the “gasses out” tube to the left hand side ladder? And we choose that big long silicone hose to migrate those gasses from the column section to the ladder section. Two reasons for that. First, the tube is flexible, which makes it easier to change the number of cleaning sections, and add / change the iCat. Second, and that’s the main reason, it is a safety fuse. In case the vapour path or liquid path (product cooler) gets blocked, the silicone hose functions as a fuse.

      • Excellent considerations on the output tube!

        On the picture of the back of the still (#8 of 10), what is the tall cylinder attached to the boiler?

  2. Buena muy buenas es para saber cual es el precio de este nuevo destilador . cual es su capacidad . y cuantos litros de alcohol produce por hora muchas gracia.

    • Hi Vic,

      No, a carbon filter is not an integral part of the iStripper design. If you want to carbon filter iStripper output, the easiest way may be to add like a table spoon of carbon for each liter of product and let it sit up to five weeks. Alternatively, a long pipe can be filled with carbon and the output can be funneled through that pipe.

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